Thursday, August 23, 2007


I'd just like to take these first few minutes to say hi. However you got to this site - whether by referral from a friend or just surfing through search engine results - my hope is that you can find exactly what you are looking for.

I'm talking from the standpoint of someone who has been through it all ready. Taking the SAT's, choosing the schools to apply to, getting the recommendations, writing the essays, filling out the application, and the ultimate choice of where to go - yes I've done it all.

And it doesn't stop there. No, no. Getting into the school is just there start. How are you going to pay for school? What is being away from home going to be like? How are you going to do in your classes? How active in the school are you going to be?

There is so much today to being a college student that it is almost an endless subject to talk about, so I might as well get started.

So again, welcome. Make yourself comfortable and just start looking around. I hope I can be helpful.

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